Management API

Base Resource URL:



Access to configuration settings for the selected fee_type.

Available sub-resources:

Resource URL Description
https://[server-name]/api/v01/merchants/[merchant-code]/fees/[fee-type]/batch    Processing fees for transactions processed in batch mode. See merchant fee for additional information.
https://[server-name]/api/v01/merchants/[merchant-code]/fees/[fee-type]/cycle    Definition of days, when remittance process occurs for cycle-based fees. See merchant fee for additional information.
https://[server-name]/api/v01/merchants/[merchant-code]/fees/[fee-type]/flat    Additional fees for transactions of specific type, such as chargebacks, declines, ACH returns. See merchant fee for additional information.
https://[server-name]/api/v01/merchants/[merchant-code]/fees/[fee-type]/realtime    Processing fees for transactions processed in real-time. See merchant fee for additional information.
https://[server-name]/api/v01/merchants/[merchant-code]/fees/[fee-type]/recurring    Subscription service fees that are charged to cover various types of service charges, hardware cost and support on monthly/annual basis. See merchant fee for additional information.

Supported Actions:

Method:  DELETE       Implicit:  Yes       Returns:  ServiceResponse      
Consumes:  xurl  Produces:  json, xml 
Deletes merchant's fees for the given currency type.

Method:  GET       Implicit:  Yes       Returns:  FeeCycle      
Consumes:  xurl  Produces:  json, xml 
Allows to load merchant's fees for the given frequency type.